Are you sure you want to major in nursing?

I honestly have gotten asked this question way too many times when I was a pre-nursing student. You are told a lot of comments and asked a lot of questions that create a sense of doubt and a lack of confidence just by saying you’re a pre-nursing major. “Are you sure you want to be a nurse?” “A lot of students drop out of pre-nursing.” “Less than half of you guys will get in.” “You better be really smart.” “You have to have straight A’s.” “Oh cool, pre-nursing, so what’s your backup major?” All said and asked by administrator, counselors, professors, instructors throughout your pre-requisites. You are told you are in a competition on day one. It was rather annoying that there was no support from those that were supposed to help us. Constant negativity. Of course, they weren’t all like that, but it’s hard to stay motivated when those surrounding us were telling us that only a small percentage of the class would get into the program. Even though it was the harsh truth, it’s just something that a prospective nursing student doesn’t need to hear.

So if you hear that or feel like you can’t do it, I’m telling you to ignore that. Fill your thoughts with positive vibes and affirmations. You will be a nurse one day. Just keep pushing through.

Thank you Em for editing! <3